简称 | 详写(英文) | 详写(中文) |
ACI | Advance Commercial information System us in Canada | 进口加拿大使用之报关系统 |
AMS | Automated Manifest System System in U.S. | 进口美国使用之报关系统 |
APEC | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 亚运经济合作组织 |
API | Application Programming Interface | 程序设定界面 |
ARENA | Asia North America Eastbound Rate Agreement | 亚洲北美东向运输协会 |
AS/RS | Automated Storage and Retrieval System | 自动化存储和修复系统操作 |
AWS | All Water Service | 全水路 (全程以水路/船运方式直接运送到美国东岸各点之货物运输方式) |
AWB | Air Waybill | 空运提单 |
B2B | Business to Business | 企业与企业之间的交易 |
B2C | Business to Customer | 企业与客户之间的交易 |
BAF | Bunker Adjustment Factor | 燃油附加费(燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一) |
B/B | Break Bulk | 散件杂货 |
BCO | Beneficial Cargo Owner | 货物拥有者权益 |
BIMCO | The Baltic and International Maritime Council | 波罗的海国际海运公会 |
B/L | Bill of Lading | 海运提单 |
BPO | Business Process Outsourcing | 企业外判程序 |
B/R | Buying Rate | 买价 |
C-TPAT | Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism | 海关贸易伙伴反恐组织 |
CAF | Currency Adjustment Factor | 币值附加价 |
CBM | Cubic Meter | 立方米 |
CC | Carbon Copy | 抄送 |
C.C | Collect | 运费倒付 |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Address | 分发(部门)若干位址编码 |
CEPA | Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement | 更紧密经贸关系的安排 |
CFM | Cubic Feet per Minute | 每分钟的立方尺 |
CFS | Container Freight Station | 集装箱货物集散站 |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface | CGI界面 |
CHB | Customs House Broker | 报关行 |
CILT | The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport | 英国特许物流运输学会 |
CIM | The Chartered Institute of Marketing | 英国特许市务学会 |
CIP | Carriage and Insurance Paid To | 兼付指定运费及保险费 |
CLP | Container Load Plan | 集装箱/装载计划表 |
C/O | Certificate of Origin | 产地来源証 |
C.O.C. | Carrier's Own Container | 船东提供集装箱 |
C.O.D. | Cash On Delivery | 交货付现 |
COFC | Container-on-flatcar | 集装箱输送 |
COMM | Commodity | 商品 |
C.S.C | Container Service Charge | 货柜服务费 |
CSC | International Convention for Sale Container | 对安全容器的国际规定 |
CSI | Container Security Initiative | 集装箱安全促进会 |
CTNR | Container | 柜子 |
CY | Container Yard | 集装箱堆场 |
C/(CNEE) | Consignee | 收货人 |
DDC | Destination Delivery Charge | 目的港御货费 |
D.G. | Dangerous Goods | 危险品货物 |
D/O | Delivery Order | 出货单 |
Doc# | Document Number | 文件号码 |
D/P | Document Against Payment | 付款交单 |
DPP | Damage Protection Plan | 集装箱损坏保险 |
DRP | Distribution Resources Planning | 分发资源计划 |
D/R | Dock Receipt | 码头收货单 |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | 电子信息传递 |
E.&O.E. | Errors and Omissions Excepted | 错误和遗漏不在此限 |
EPS | Equipment Position Surcharges | 设备位置附加费 |
ERM | Enterprise Resources Management | 企业资源管理 |
ERP | Enterprise Resources planning | 企业资源计划 |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival | 预定到达时间 |
ETD | Estimated Time of Departure | 预定出货时间 |
FAF | Fuel Adjustment Factor | 燃油价调整附加费(日本航线专用) |
FAK | Freight All Kinds | 同一费率 |
FB/L | FIATA Combined Transport Bill of Lading | 国际传输商协会联运提单 |
FCL | Full Container Load | 整箱集装 |
FCR | Forwarder's Cargo Receipt | 货运承运人领货单 |
FEFC | Far East Freight Conference | 远东(欧洲)运费公会 |
FEU | Forty Feet Equivalent Unit | 40英呎标准杂装箱计算单位 |
F/F | Freight Forwarder | 货运代理 |
F.I. | Free In | 船方负责装船费用 |
FIATA | International Federation of Forwarding Agent Associations | 国际货运代理协会联合会 |
FIFO | First-in, First-out | 货物先进仓和先出仓的安排 |
F.I.O | Free In and Out | 船方不负担装缷费 |
FIOST | Frees In, Out, Stowed&Trimmed | 船方不负责装船.卸船.理舱及平舱等费用 |
FMC | Federal Maritime Commission | 美国联邦海事委员会 |
F.O. | Free Out | 船方不负责卸船费用 |
F/R | Flat Rack Container | 平板集装箱 |
FRC | Fuel Recovery Charge | 恢复燃料费 |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | 档案传输协定 |
FTZ | Free Trade Zones | 自由贸易区 |
F/V | Feeder Vessel | 驳船(内运船/支船) |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product | 国民生产总值 |
GRI | General Rate Increasing | 综合费率上涨附加费 (一般是南美航线、美国航线使用) |
GSA | General Sales Agent | 总销售代理 |
GSC | Global Supply Chain | 全球供应链 |
GWT | Gross Weight | 毛重 |
HAFFA | Hong Kong Association of Freight Forwarding and Logistics Ltd. | 香港货运物流业协会有限公司 |
HAWB | House Air Waybill | 代理行空运提单 |
HBL | House B/L | 子提单 |
H/C | Handling Charge | 代理费 |
H/H | Half Height Container | 半高集装箱 |
IADA | Intra Asia Discussion Agreement | 亚洲集装箱运输研讨协定 |
I.A.RATES | Independent Action rates | 独立等级价格 (个别航线运价调整) |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | 国际航空运输协会 |
IBC | Intermediate Bulk Container | 中型液体集装箱 |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization | 国际民用航空组织 |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce | 国际商会 |
ICIS | International Ship & Port Security Code | 综合货柜检查系统 |
ICP | Internet Content provider | 联网内容供应商 |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology | 信息和通讯技术 |
IFA | Interim Fuel Adjustment | 临时燃油附加费 (某些航线临时使用) |
IMDG | Information Maritime Dangerous Goods Code | 国际危险的商品代码 |
IMO | International Maritime Organization | 国际海事组织 |
Incoterms | International Commercial terms | 国际贸易术语 |
IP | Internet Protocol | 国际网络议定书 |
IPI | Interior Point Intermodal | 经美国西岸进入中西部内陆各点 |
IRA | Informal Rate Agreement | 非正式运价协定 |
I/S | Inside Sales | 内销售 |
ISDN | Integrated Server Digital Network | 综合服务数字网路 |
ISF(10+2) | Importer Security Filing | 进口安全申报 (现只有进口美国的货运需要严格执行此申报程序) |
ISO | International Standard Organization | 国际标准化组织 |
ISP | Internet Service Provider | 网络供应商 |
ISPS | International Ship and Port Facility Security | 国际船舶与港口保安设施规则 |
Land Bridge | 陆桥 | |
LASH | Lighter Aboard Ship | 集装箱子母船 |
LAN | Local Area Networking | 本区域网络 |
L/C | Letter of Credit | 信用証 |
LCL | Less (than) container Load | 并箱散货 |
LG | Letter of Guarantee | 保函(切结书) |
L.I. | Liner Inward | 入口航线 |
LILO | Last-in, Last-out | 货物后进港和后出港的安排 |
L.I.O. | Liner in and Out | 船方负责装卸费,但不包码头费 |
L.O.A. | Length Overall | 全长 |
Lo-Lo SHIP | Lift-on Lift-off ship | 吊装船 |
LNG | Liquefied Natural Gas | 液化天然气 |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas | 液化石油气 |
LT | (Lead Time) Time between placing and receiving an order | 订货到交货日期 |
LTL | Less-than-truckload | 散货拼车 |
MAWB | Master Air Waybill | 空运提单 |
MB/L | Master Bill Of Loading | 主提单 |
MLB | Mainland Bridge | 小陆桥 (经美国西岸转运至内陆的一种运输模式专称) |
MLO | Main Line Operators | 远洋船公司 |
M/V | Mother Vessel | 主线船(母船/大船) |
MRP | Material Requirements Planning | 材料需要计划 |
M/S | Motor Ship | 轮船 |
MSDS | Material Safety Data Sheet | 材料安全资料表 |
M/T | Measurement Ton | 尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费) |
MTD | Multimodal Transport Document | 多式联运单据 |
MTO | Multimode Transport Operator | 联运商 |
N/A | Not Applicable/Not Available | 不适用/无资料 |
NAP | Network Access Point | 网络途径点 |
N/F | Notify | 通知人 |
N.O.E. | Not Otherwise Enumerated | 除非另有列名 |
N.O.S. | Not Otherwise Specified | 除非另有指定 |
NVOCC | Non Vessel Operation Common Carrierr | 无船舶公共承运商 |
OBL | Ocean (or original )B/L | 海运提单 |
OCP | Overland Continental Point | 内陆公共交货点 |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | 原厂商 |
O/F | Ocean Freight | 海运费 |
O/H | Over Height | 超出正常高度 |
OP | Operation | 操作 |
ORC | Origin Receiving Charge | 本地收货费用(广东省收取) |
O/S | Open Side Container | 开边顶装箱 |
O/T | Open Top Container | 开顶集装箱 |
O/W | Over Width | 超出正常阔度 |
PCF/PTF | Panama Channel Fee | 巴拿马运河附加费 (美国航线、中南美航线使用) |
PCS | Port Congestion Surcharge | 港口挤塞附加费 |
P&I Club | Protection and Indemnity Club | 英国标准保赔会 |
POD | Port of Discharge | 卸货港 |
POL | Port of Loading | 装货港 |
POP | Point of Presence | 存在的点 |
P.P | Prepaid | 预付 |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol | 点对点的草案 |
PRD | Pearl River Deta | 珠江三角洲 |
PSS | Peak Season Surcharge | 季节附加费 (大多数航线在运输旺季时可能临时使用) |
RF | Reefer Container | 冷藏集装箱 |
RFP | Request For proposal | 书面建议要求 |
RFQ | Request For Quotation | 书面报价要求 |
RFRC | Rail Fuel Recovery Charge | 轨道燃料恢复费用 |
Ro-Ro ship | Roll-on Roll-off ship | 滚装船 |
RRS | Rate Restoration Surcharge | 比率修复附加费 |
R/T | Revenue Tons | 计费吨 |
S/(Shpr) | Shipper | 发货人 |
SAN | Storage Area Network | 网络储存 |
S/C | Sales Contract | 售货合同 |
SC | Service Contract | 服务合同 |
SCS | Suez Canal Surcharge | 苏伊士运河费 (欧洲到美国东岸所产生的附加费用) |
SET | Secure Electronic Transaction | 安全电子交易 |
SKU | Stock Keeping Unit | 储蓄保持的单位 |
SME | Small and Medium-size Enterprises | 中、小型企业 |
S/O / S/I | Shipping Order/Shipping Instruction | 付货通知单/落货纸 |
S.O.C. | Shipper's Own Container | 付货人所属集箱 |
SPS | Shanghai Port Surcharge | 上海港口附加费(船挂上港九区、十区) |
SQL | Structure Query Language | 架构疑问语 |
S/R | Selling Rate | 卖价 |
S/S | Steamship | 汽转船 |
SSL | Steam Ship Line | 船公司 |
SSL | Secure Socket Layer | 付款加密法 |
S.T.C. | Said To Contain | 据报内装 |
TACA | Transatlantic Conference Agreement | 跨大西洋公会协定 |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | 传输控制草案 |
TEU | Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit | 20英呎标准集装箱计算单位 |
T.H.C. | Terminal Handing Charge | 码头操作费 |
TMS | Transportation Management System | 运输管理系统 |
TOFC | Trailer-on-Flatcar | 集装箱车架输送 |
T.O.C | Terminal Operations Charge | 码头操作费 |
TQC | Total Quality Control | 全面质量控制 |
TQM | Total Quality Management | 全面质量管理 |
T.R.C | Terminal Receiving Charge | 码头收柜费 |
T.R.S. | Terminal Receiving Station | 码头收货站 |
TSA | Transpacific Stabilization Agreement | 跨太平洋稳定协议 |
T/S | Transhipment Port | 转口港 |
TSR | Trans Siberian Railway | 西伯利亚大铁路 |
TT | Telegraphic Transfer | 电汇 |
T/T | Transit Time | 航程 |
TTL | Total | 总共 |
TVC | Time Volume Contract | 时间货量合同 |
TWRA | Transpacific Westbound Rate Agreement | 泛太平洋西向运费协会 |
UCP500 | Uniform Customs and practice for Documentary Credits | 跟单信用証统一惯例和实务 |
ULCC | Ultra Large Crude Carrier | 50万吨油输 |
UNCTAD | United Nations Conference of Trade and Development | 联合国贸发会议 |
V.A.T | Value Added Tax | 增值税 |
VHF | Very High Frequency | 甚高频 |
VLCC | Very Large Crude Carrier | 20万吨油轮 |
VMI | Vendor Managed Inventory | 供应商的存货管理系统 |
V.O.W. | Vehicle on wheel | 可驾驶的车辆 |
VOC | Vessel Operating Carrier | 船舶承运商 |
VOCC | Vessel Operating Common Carrier | 船公司 |
VOY | Vessel | 航次 |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | 虚拟网络 |
VSL | Vessel | 轮船 |
WAP | Wireless Appreciation Protocol | 无线应(运)用草案 |
WCS | Wireless Communications Service | 无线通信服务 |
W/M | Weight or Measurement ton | 即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费 |
WMS | Warehouse Management System | 仓库管理系统 |
W.R. | War Risks | 兵险 |
W/T | Weight Ton | 重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费) |
WTO | World Trade Organization | 世界贸易组织 |
W.W. | Warehouse Warrant | 仓单 |
YAS | Yen Appreciate Surcharge | 日元升值附加费(日本航线专用) |